On Tour With The Bacon Butty Roadshow
Bacon Butty Roadshow
It’s been one month since the Bacon Butty Roadshow hit the road, starting in North Yorkshire and working its way south! The aims of the roadshow are to raise awareness of our brand-new Installer Club and promote our AQ mixer showers.
Our roadshow team are stopping at various suppliers stores up and down the UK. We are giving out free bacon butties and Installer Club merchandise as well as encouraging installers to sign up to our Installer club and enter our ‘win an AQ shower’ competition and other small give-a-ways at every stop.
Our Fix Radio Patnership
We have partnered with Fix Radio on this campaign to widen the reach. At this early stage, the Aqualisa roadshow in conjunction with Fix Radio is reaching plumbers and installers across the country, spreading the word about our new rewards-based Installer Club.
Installer Club
Just one month in and sign up numbers for Installer Club are way beyond expectation. What’s more, this is happening in the north of England where the brand has historically had less traction. At this rate, we look set to attract nearly 1000 new members on the road over two months, a massive growth for our community! The awareness, and therefore attendance, at the events has been excellent, all made possible by a fabulously co-ordinated PR and social media campaign between Aqualisa and Fix Radio. Radio and social coverage continuing right through October and November, keeping the Aqualisa name out there, as Fix Radio engages with an estimated 1 million trades people every month.

With our roadshow van, bacon butties, win-an-AQ-shower competition and giveaways we are making quite an impact at the merchant branches and establishing the Installer Club as a firm fixture in the plumbing community.
AQ Collection
Our roadshow has also coincided with the launch of our brand-new trade range, the AQ Collection! The AQ Collection is a range of mixer showers, based on our ever popular AQ range. These new mixers offer the same great quality and ease of installation with modern style available at the right price! Our roadshow has been a fantastic opportunity to tell our installers all about the new AQ collection, designed with them in mind!
In addition, our team who have been involved throughout the roadshow have been enjoying the opportunity to meet our installers face to face and get their feedback on our products! It is thought by them to be interesting to see that side of the business and bridge the communication between in house staff at Aqualisa and the trade workers out on the road installing our products. They also shared how they have been able to be a part of the on-air radio interviews with Fix Radio and promote the events themselves through the show.