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In 2023 the gender split of Aqualisa’s employees was 33% female and 67% male.
This is based on the relevant employees who had a contract of employment on the gender pay gap analysis snapshot date of 5th April 2023.
Mean Gender Bonus Pay Gap
The mean gender pay gap is the difference in the average hourly pay for women compared to the average hourly pay for men. The averages are calculated by adding up the hourly pay rate for all female employees then dividing the result by the total number of women, and by adding up the hourly pay rate for all male employees then dividing the result by the
total number of men. In 2023 the mean hourly pay for men was 0.3% less than the mean hourly pay for women.
Median Gender Bonus Pay Gap
The median gender pay gap is established by listing all female and male employees in 2 separate lists, each in order of lowest to highest hourly pay. The median female hourly pay rate is that of the woman in the middle of the female list. The median male hourly pay rate is that of the man in the middle of the male list. The median gender pay gap is the difference between the median male and median female hourly rate of
pay. In 2023 the median hourly pay for men was 5.4% more than the median hourly pay for women.
Proportion of Employees Receiving Bonus Pay
In the 12-month period prior to 5th April 2023, bonuses were awarded to 82% of female employees and to 83% of male employees.
Mean Gender Bonus Pay Gap
The mean bonus pay for men was 4.8% less than the mean
bonus pay for women.
Median Gender Bonus Pay Gap
The median bonus pay was equal for men and women.
Employee Gender Split Per Pay Quarter
Proportion of Employees Receiving Bonus Pay
Proportion of Employees Receiving Bonus Pay